Toxic Blck Mold


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Was Asked if I Had Any Stepping Stone Molds

I had to say no. Nothing like losing a sale!

I don't sell them because of postal costs. Molds don't weigh much but are big when you get to step stone size. The Post Office and everyone else use a system called "volumetric pricing".

This means if you send a big light box, it will be charged as if it weighed X lbs. X is an average for what a box that size would hold. So your 13 oz. or so mold is charged as if it weighed 5 pounds.

I can't ask anyone to pay that much so I just don't sell large molds. It is enough that the box for the molds I do sell is much heavier than the contents. I send hundreds of pounds of cardboard all over the country. And a few pounds of plastic!

Now for your free stepping stone. Get yourself a plastic garbage can. The bottom of the can should be the size you want your stepping stone to be. I guess you have figured it out now! Anyway cut the can off about 5 inches up from the bottom, and there is your mold.

Google this - Beware the Dreaded Theet O Vac!

Don't cheap out here. Use a new garbage can, old ones seem to be a little "sticky". Release agent helps but you will lose a few castings. Get a new can, they are not that expensive!

You can play around with maybe putting a couple of leaves in the mold before you pour your concrete. They will wash out with your garden hose and you will have an attractive pattern left behind.

You could also try a couple of kid's plastic lizards or worms. They will pull out easily when your stone is cured. There are a lot of kids' toys that are plastic and can be used here, look around. When you see something, think of molds.

Be sure you use a release agent before pouring. (10w engine oil works for me) Try pouring two colors of concrete. Mix your plain, uncolored concrete and set it aside. Then mix some colored concrete. Pour the color then the plain. Maybe a small stir with a stick after both are in the mold. Don't get carried away. You just want to create a couple of swirls, not blend the colors into one unrecognizable blob of mush.

Take a look around, you will see all kinds of things you could try in your mold. You will also start to see lots of things that could be molds.

Happy pouring!

Try - for more.

Try - for more free molds

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