Toxic Blck Mold


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mold Inspection and Testing

Inspection and testing of mold is a common procedure adopted while buying new homes. Any property with a mold growth in it is considered unsuitable by new buyers unless and until remedial measures are employed. It is wise to carry out mold detection from time to time. This can be done especially after water collection has taken place in the house due to reasons such as floods, the rainy season or leakage.

Mold inspection can be done by a layman if it is not very invasive in its growth. A simple method to check mold growth is to rely on visual sense. A thorough investigation of damp areas in the kitchens and bathrooms, crawlspaces and attics can be done. If there is any suspicious growth, then a tape sample can be taken and sent to a microbial lab for inspection. Molds do not have strong odors; however, they do emanate a certain musty odor that can be detected. Though mold detection is not that difficult, it should be borne in mind that molds can travel through the air and therefore one must be suitably protected when carrying out mold detection.

For larger estates, it is better to go for a professional mold testing. Mold-testing agencies advertise their services extensively. Mold inspectors are equipped with microscopes, tapes to take samples, cameras to photograph mold growths, and protective gear. Mold inspectors go to great lengths to determine the amount and quality of moisture, heat and air in various nooks and crannies of the house. Their reports are extensive and provide accurate detailed information of mold growths in the house.

However, professional mold-testing agencies do not undertake mold removal unless contracted for the purpose. Mold inspectors may only check for mold presence and give a quotation for the removal of the fungus. But the usual pattern is to check mold growth, and if present, to contact the same agency for its removal. When an agency is contracted for mold removal on a large scale, they may concede their charges for the investigation of mold growth. Anyway, the charges for mold investigation are not very high and can be easily afforded by people buying new homes.

Toxic Mold provides detailed information on Mold, Toxic Mold, Black Mold, Mold Inspection and Testing and more. Toxic Mold is affiliated with Toxic Mold Symptoms

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