Toxic Mold & Diet
Some type of mold or yeast fungus disease affects an estimated 50% of patients, and can cause as many diseases as bacteria and
This affects digestion and the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. Over time, the result is chronic progressive
disease such as cardiovascular ailments, arthritis, gout, asthma, allergies, sinusitis, gastritis, tuberculosis, cancer, and more. The most common symptoms include sneezing, wheezing, joint pain, muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability, confusion, rashes, itching, poor memory, numbness, digestive ailments, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, constipation hives, rashes,
vaginal yeast infections, and urinary frequency, attacks of anxiety and shaking when hungry, and the symptoms can be flu-like. Mold can cause fungal diseases of the skin, nails, ears and lungs.
You may experience a few of these symptoms or many to have a mold or yeast infection. [Candidiasis].
This can be caused by a poor diet [high in sugar and carbohydrates] and high stress levels, which keep feeding the yeast
overgrowth. Mold can grow on bread or cheese, overripe fruit, vegetables, grains, and other foods and get food by absorbing minerals, sugars, and water or from decaying matter on which they live.
Candida albicans is a harmless yeast that naturally lives in every ones gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes and on the skin.
It lives there in a symbiotic world in a healthy person's body but when your bodys eco- system becomes unbalanced, Candida overgrowth can occur, thus allowing it to attack any organ or system in your body, primarily targeting the nerves and muscles, but can attack any body tissue or organ depending on your bodys predisposition.
Dietary changes can help reduce yeast as well as can a number of herbs and supplements and can promote a healthy digestive tract.
Studies have shown that herbs such as garlic, barberry, oregano, Oregon grape and goldenseal, as well as the fatty acid caprylic acid, can inhibit the growth of yeast.
In case there is evidence of mold allergy, a four-day rotation diet is recommended to minimize contact with allergens. This is a diet where foods are eaten once every four days and food families every two days. Foods that my contain mold are peanuts, beef,
tomatoes, citrus fruits, chocolate, soy, MSG, sulfites and aspartame [Nutrasweet/Equal].
This diet restricts foods that contain yeast and gluten, brown rice, popcorn, corn products, honey, smoked, dried, pickled and cured foods such as buttermilk and sour cream, [live cultured
yogurt helps to replenish your bacterial intestinal bacteria], no aged cheese of any kind [some cheeses are okay if milk is not a problem, e.g. cottage cheese, mozzarella, provolone, ricotta and farmer's cheese].
Avoid soy sauce, Tampeh and tamari, mushrooms, dried fruit, alcohol products, especially beer [the darker the beer, the more chance of mold] and wine, mustard, tomato products; juice, sauce
paste, ketchup, are made from moldy vegetables, salad dressings containing vinegar.
Avoid eggs, beef, corn, and potatoes. mushrooms, nuts or nut butter [except almonds and almond butter], fruit juices, [frozen
fruit juice is fine], dried or candied fruit and coffee, black tea, caffeine, cider and homemade root beer [commercial root beer
is fine].
No canned tomatoes, unless homemade . Avoid citric acid, which is a very common food additive; not derived from citrus fruit].
Eat leftovers within 24 hours. Multi-B Vitamins - Many contain either yeast or mold [Rice hulls are moldy]. Some are all right. Check with manufacturer.
Organic foods, although much better for the body effected by toxic mold due to the lack of chemicals tend to mold more quickly as they lack artificial preservatives.
Drink bottled water. Tap water contains mold. Try to drink distilled or reverse osmosis water as it retains the good bacteria in the digestive tract.
To fight Candida it is best to reduce all foods high in carbohydrate; sugars and starches in order to starve the Candida yeast. Wheat
does not directly feed yeast but since it is a common food sensitivity it is a good idea to eliminate it in the beginning.
The Causes of Candida Overgrowth can be antibiotics, steroids such as cortisone, prednisone, birth-control pills, and estrogen
replacement therapy, poor diet, chemotherapy, radiation, stress, and alcohol over-use. Avoid all chemical foods and drugs. Strong antibiotics, steroids, cortico-steroids and tobacco must be avoided. This diet is necessary for the first critical weeks. This is the only way to deprive the yeast of nutrients and kill it off.
Symptoms are often worsening in damp and/or moldy places.
The Candida cleansing diet should include the following foods, in the correct proportions; 65% high fiber, low starch vegetables
such as broccoli, celery, radish and asparagus. Plenty of fresh steamed vegetables, especially onions, garlic, ginger root, cabbage, carrots, peas, sweet potato, cauliflower, yams. Onions and garlic are very good anti-fungals. All root vegetables should be peeled.
20% high protein foods such as antibiotic-free fish, fowl, nuts, seeds and eggs. Note: spray all nuts and seeds with a solution of
15-30 drops GSE [grapeseed extract] in 2-cups water to kill any aflatoxins mold or fungus that may be present. All nuts should be roasted.
10% complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, beans, millet, amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat.
5% fruit; papaya pineapple, grapefruit, peaches, pears, and all types of berries. Other acceptable foods are seafood and sea
vegetables, olive oil, eggs mayonnaise, white rice, soy and vegetable pastas, white rice cakes and crackers, some citrus fruit,
herb teas and unsweetened cranberry juice.
This type of diet also reduces the unpleasant effects of headaches, nausea and fatigue, known as the "herxhiemer reaction", which
are caused by the release of toxins when pathogenic microbes "die-off".
Alpha Nutrition Health Education Series The Book of Allergy and Immunology
Dr. William Crook, M.D.
"The Yeast Connection"
Lady B Enterprises
2226 Rudy Court
Midland MI 48642
HOUSE NO. 7, F10/3
Linda Knittel
Labels: article_health_mold_news_toxic, toxic_mold_decontamination_and_remediation, toxic_mold_orange_county, toxic_mold_type, treatment_for_mold_toxic