Toxic Blck Mold


Friday, November 30, 2007

How Is Mold Like Aids?

Dont laugh. Both get a lot of coverage in the press. Mold isnt a politically sensitive issue but there are a lot of similarities.

Dont laugh. Both get a lot of coverage in the press. Mold isnt a politically sensitive issue but there are a lot of similarities.

1. Both get into your system without being felt.
If you are living, working or studying in a moldy environment there will be mold spores floating in the air. Every time you breathe, these mold spores move through your nose, sinuses and into your lungs. Each of these spots is moist and warm. Ideal environments for mold spores to set up housekeeping. From these locations the spores release mycotoxins (mold poisons) that get into the blood stream and spread through the body.

2. Both attack your immune system so you cant fight of normal, everyday diseases. Mold kills white blood cells. These are the bodys primary defense against invading bacteria and viruses.

3. Both kill indirectly. Yes I said kill.
Cancer is probably the leading cause of death with an AIDS patient. The bodys defenses are so weak that even simple diseases become life threatening. Mold releases poisons that are known to cause cancer. Chemicals like the Aflotoxins and Ochratoxins were written about 30 years ago. This is OLD science. These are found in most of the household molds we run into in our investigations. The most common death from mold is a condition called a T-cell lymphoma.

Sometimes mold will get into the brain and cause death directly, but this isnt very common.

Mold also can lead to Heart Attacks. Many of the mold toxins attack the connective tissue in the vascular system, including the heart. Again this is OLD science. Nothing new or dramatic.

4. Both can be prevented.
The easiest way to prevent mold induced diseases is to Get rid of the Mold. This is fairly easy as long as you do it by natural means. If you use toxic chemicals to kill mold you are just replacing one problem for another. Chemicals called borates are commonly used to kill mold. Most of the time they are used incorrectly and dont work. But for about 15% of the population, the only cure for the borate reactions is to move out of your house forever. We have seen this happen on many occasions.

But how are they DIFFERENT? AIDS cant really be cured. Mold can.

There are botanical treatments that will remove the mold from your body. It involves a few daily nose sprays.

So you see, mold and AIDS are not as far apart as you would think. Both can kill and both work without you knowing it.For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat andprevent disease by showing them how to live in a clean environment.

Source: www.isnare.comClose Kept Secrets To Weight Loss Lesson #4Tami Close

Hows the practicing going? Are you spending time each day to practice RET, EFT and affirmations? When you make yourself a priority, then everything else falls into place.

When we lose our connection to God, to ourselves, then we get off track. The answer is very simple! Spend time with yourself each day and focus on you.

Do you make excuses why you cant spend time with yourself? Do you come up with all sorts of reasons why you couldnt do it?

Take some time right now and write down the excuses you generally use when you dont focus on you? Example: I couldnt exercise because I had to do the laundry. Just name
everything you use as an excuse. If you have weight issues, I guarantee the list will be long.

God created you as the most awesome person in the Universe and spending time with yourself would please Him. He wants you to feel that joy and love of yourself. One way to spend time with yourself is being thankful.

I thought it would be appropriate to take some time to be grateful. Expressing gratitude is important to adopt as a daily practice. When youre thankful for all youve received, it opens your heart up to attract great things. You
look at everything in such a different way and realize all that you have is given to you by God. How powerful is this?

A great daily practice is seeing the Divinity in all things and this is what I would like you to do right now. Take a look around you in the room youre in and notice everything. Now, were going to be thankful for all that you see.

I am grateful for the walls
I am grateful for the paint
I am grateful for the computer
I am grateful for the windows
I am grateful for the doors
I am grateful for the lights

You get the picture. See how many things you can say or write down that youre grateful for in just that room alone. Youll feel a sense of calm and wont be stressed.

You can expand on this to include your body. Remember to act as if it is already happening.

I am grateful for my thin body
I am grateful that food nourishes me
I am grateful I no longer have cravings

I would like to express my gratitude to you and how much I appreciate you being a part of my life. I know your weight has been (Im using past tense here) an issue, but remember I will be the light that helps you know you have everything within you now to overcome this. Im destined to help you uncover those layers youre using as protection.

The big lesson today is focus on you. There is no bigger priority than you. You deserve it!

Love and hugs,

TamiTami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.

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