Mold and Colds - Mold Cleaning
Some have misunderstood black mold as being dirt or mildew. Mold and Mildew are the same, both need water to grow and a food source. Both can have spores that will cause allergies. Being around mold has caused many to have common symptoms close to a cold or flu. Be aware of mold symptoms and health effects is important to understand with black mold and mold removal. Toxic Mold or Black Mold or even mildew have all been associated to one thing, the black dirt that can appear on drywall, showers, tile, and carpeting. So it is important to understasnd how to get rid of black mold off a drywall. Mold needs a source to grow a little bit of moisture and one will begin seeing the spores amplify. Living with mold can be harful to one's health. Black mold can grow in the lungs and attach itself becoming a problem to the body. The immune system can break down and even mold has been known to be found in the blood stream.
The terms are in the same sentence because mold symptoms are very similar to cold symptoms. It can also be said that mold and colds are phrased to together because black mold can make you sick. This decrease in the immunity system will create a system to fail and breakdown.
Mold and Colds are cause mostly by having to much toxins in the system. Since mold are know to cause Fungisitis, which is known as moldgrowing in the nose. Colds become a dominant illness. The excess mucas which has spores which create fungus that can be bad to the system, especialliy if immuno-compromised. The stschybotris mold, aspergillus mold are all dominant and related with mold and colds. These are toxic molds that can thicken comfortably in homes and become an issue if not taken care of accurately.If looking for mold protection, be devout to take care of any water damage events that happen in the home or offices. If a wet drywall is left untouched and not detached, you will have black mold on your walls with in the near future. Once these toxic spores unite and sprout up they will let excrement in the air which you or your family can breathe in. Then mold and colds are working as one and induce problems in your system.
With colds, usually it is from immunity problem, stress, or over working and quite a few other things. Having mold in your system adds on to the body fighting to keep itself healthy. The mold spores will hurt the core and most likely a cold will be happening soon. Your nose will begin to get stuffy and you may have some excess mucas. The best thing to do is talk to a doctor who understands mold and you may want to look into an alternative solution such as an all natural mold removal product or hiring a qualified mold remediation company which help fond the source of the problem.
Entrepeneur and former scientist who is a certified microbial consultant with the IAQ.
Labels: black_mold, black_mold_in_bathroom, black_mold_test, household_toxic_mold, toxic_mold_expert, toxic_mold_symptom