Toxic Blck Mold


Friday, June 27, 2008

Natural Remedies For Your Mold Allergy

Whether you have a mold allergy, gluten allergy, or any other type of allergy the time has come to learn about natural allergy treatments that will boots your immune system and adrenal system.

Most people treat the symptoms with a quick fix 12 hour relief and forget all about the reason they are suffering from allergies. Alternative treatments don?t treat symptoms they treat the underling causes which means over time you will see your allergy diminish and you?ve got to admit getting rid of that mold allergy would be really nice.

When one focuses on the nutritional supplements that will strengthen the body it can be a very personal prescription because each of us have different issues going on in our body that are making our immune system week and that applies whether you are dealing with your mold allergy or an allergy to your pet.

The object is to make your body healthy so it the signals are no longer mixed and it is able to help your body fend off those allergens. Herbs, nutrients, and natural decongestants and antihistamines can all work together. Additionally other supplements and herbs can help reduce the amount of inflammation which is part of allergies.

Your treatment for your mold allergy needs to be personal. Of course one of the things you will want to do is ensure that any mold in your own home has been killed. Your allergy program should be designed to strengthen your immune system and one of the simplest and cheapest ways to do that is with Vitamin C. It also neutralizes histamines giving you some relief from your allergy.

Let?s have a look at what relief you can get for your mold allergy and other allergies as well.

1. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and will improve adrenal function. Take up to 5000mg daily. Increase in 500mg increments and stop when the bowel is no longer tolerating it.

2. Vitamin B5 helps deal with stress and improve adrenal function. Take up to 1000 mg a day and split into two doses.

3. COQ10 is powerful boosting the immune system, reducing histamines, and improving heart health. Take 100mg two times a day.

4. Vitamin A is an anti inflammatory and immune booster. Take 10,000 IU twice daily.

5. Vitamin B12 reduces inflammation. Take 1000mcg in the morning.

6. Pantethine produced Coenzyme A and reduces stress. Take 300mg three times a day with your meals.

7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids will reduce allergic reactions. Take 1000mg daily.

8. Vitamin E & Selenium are immune boosters. Take 400IU of Vitamin E per day & 50mcg of selenium.

9. Magnesium relieves bronchospasms. Take 400mg daily.

10. A full spectrum digestive enzyme will enhance digestion of nutrients. Take with each meal.

There are also many herbs that can help. Remember although natural herbs are still medicines so you need to check with your doctor before taking any herb if you have a medical condition. There are herbs that will boost your immune system and there are herbs that are natural antihistamines or decongestants to help deal with your mold allergy.

1. Burdock will help clear congestion and is also good for colds.

2. Marshmallow root will help your body move mucus out.

3. Goldenseal Root will soothe inflamed membranes and it is also antibacterial.

4. Capsicum stimulates circulation and helps fight infection in the respiratory system.

That?s only a handful of natural remedies for your mold allergy. Why not get to the bottom of it?

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our mold allergy pages.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Get Rid Of The Black Mold-like Stuff In The Basement!

If you have black mold-like stuff growing in your basement, you definitely have to get rid of it. Here are 4 good reasons to take care of your basement's black mold infection before it gets worse:

1. It's gross and unsightly. This is the simplest reason to get rid of any kind of black moldy like stuff that you find in your basement.

You might find this stuff growing around tiles, behind wallpaper, in crawlspaces, on the back of furniture, under carpets, behind drywall... basically any place dark and moist, and none of it's pretty.

Actually, if you live in a dry area or at a high altitude, you might have a worse basement mold problem than somebody in a humid area. Southern California and Arizona have some of the worst cases of moldy black stuff in basements.

2. It's bad for you. This is probably the BEST reason. Most mold is non-toxic. It causes cold-like symptoms or respiratory trouble. Some people don't even know their house is being attacked by mold, and that's why they have a stuffy nose all the time.

If you have asthma or any other kind of breathing trouble, even non-toxic mold can be fatal. Some studies have shown that kids who grow up in moldy environments end up with asthma later in life. If your kids live in the basement, you should take extra special precaution.

And, some types of mold are toxic. This means bad news for everybody in the house, and it may be hard to detect. A good place to start looking for our moldy friend is in the basement. Look for nasty black stuff!

3. It's bad for your house. When you go to sell your house, moldy black stuff will lower the property value. It costs you money to get that stuff cleaned up at the last minute. The longer you let it go the worse it gets.

Housing inspectors know that the basement is the preferred vacation spot for yucky black moldy stuff, and they go there looking for it. You may not spend much time there, but they WILL, and they have gadgets and tools so they can find all the black stuff growing in the cracks and crevices.

Bad mold and water damage can have a lasting negative impact on the structure of your house as well. If you get rid of that moldy stuff in the basement before it gets bad, you'll save yourself some serious headaches later.

4. Finally, it's contagious. If moldy black stuff would just stay where it was down in the basement, or behind the walls, we'd have no trouble. The problem is that it likes to travel. Any dark, wet place will do!

Mold can creep into your basement from the ground underneath. It's called "wicking," and it happens a lot in basements that are not properly protected from moisture. This is especially the case in dry areas where there isn't much moisture; the house builders probably didn't take mold into account when they poured the foundation.

Once it gets into the concrete, it heads up into the carpet and tiles. From there, the walls, behind wallpaper or furniture; and from there, it jumps off and flies through the air into your lungs. Visit to learn more about black mold removal.

You might have somebody living in your basement and, not only freeloading, but sending nasty spores into your respiratory tract and making your life miserable. Go down to your basement right now and look for black mold-like stuff. And if you find it, get rid of it today!

Learn more about health symptoms from black mold sickness and removing black mold from walls.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How To Remove Black Mold Found Behind Bathroom Wallpaper

Your bathroom wallpaper is the ideal spot for black mold to thrive in. First off, the bathroom is one of black mold's favorite places in the house. It's probably number one. This is because it's humid and, unlike water damaged parts of the house, the bathroom keeps getting steamy and wet repeatedly each day.

Mold likes the wallpaper in particular because it's a nice, porous surface. This makes it easy for the mold to get there in the first place, and "breathe." Black mold needs a little air to thrive well, but it also needs the darkness. Mold that hangs out behind your bathroom wallpaper actually stores water, like a mouse in its hole with a chunk of cheese. This keeps it alive and going behind your wallpaper. Visit to learn more about black mold removal.

Finding The Enemy!

Most people don't know they have black mold behind their bathroom wallpaper until they're removing it. Mold is sneaky, and you can't see behind your wallpaper. If you suspect that you might have bathroom mold, you might want to get your bathroom inspected. It's difficult to be sure by yourself, but if you have sudden nasal decongestion, trouble breathing or other mold-related health symptoms when you go into your bathroom, you definitely have a problem. And, if you can't see the mold anywhere, there's a good chance it's behind the wallpaper.

You vs. The Mold: Getting It Off Your Bathroom Wallpaper

Unfortunately, the only way to rid yourself of the evil mold behind your bathroom wallpaper is to remove the wallpaper itself. If you decide to do this, there are some precautions you must take:

- Put plastic around the bathroom as if you were painting. Remember that mold is toxic stuff and the spores can get anywhere and cause you even more trouble. Imagine that you are cleaning up toxic waste somewhere, and you don't want it to touch anything!

- Make sure the room is well ventilated. If you're bathroom has no windows, at least run the exhaust fan. When you start stripping that wallpaper, the mold is going to go everywhere, so you want to make sure there's plenty of air circulation.

- Wear protective gloves and a mask. You don't want it to touch anything, including YOU! The bigger, the thicker the gloves, the better. Also, look for a mask that is especially made for mold cleanup. Some masks just cover your mouth and nose, but at your local hardware store you can find special masks intended for mold removal.

- After you take off the nasty, moldy wallpaper, save it in plastic bags before you throw it away. As I said before, it's important to not let the mold touch anything. You also don't want the spores to be airborne.

Keep It From Coming Back

Even more important than cleaning up the mess is keeping it from coming back. The bathroom's always going be a popular spot for mold, but here are some things you can do:

- Buy a humidifier to keep in the bathroom. Use it as directed, and turn it on after showers to help keep the bathroom from getting too moist.

- Make sure you turn on the exhaust fan when you're showering. You might want to run it a little bit afterwards too.

- You can buy woven wall paper that is designed to keep off mold and mildew. Look around at wallpaper suppliers and tell them what you're looking for.

- Some wallpaper dealers also sell waterproof wallpaper. You might want to check these out, but make sure it's the real deal. Ask the dealers how exactly it keeps off the moisture. Regular vinyl wallpaper isn't always "mold proof."

- Instead of wallpaper, paint the bathroom. Although mold can grow on paint, this will greatly reduce your risk of getting a mold infection behind your bathroom wallpaper.

Learn more about black mold smell testing on our site. You'll also find other information such as dangers of toxic black mold. Visit to learn more about black mold removal.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

How Housing Predictor Broke The Mold

It was a chilly winter day in late 2004 when the idea of Housing Predictor suddenly struck like a lightning bolt. I?d been thinking about developing a website to provide information on the housing market that had not been offered, not just another place on the web to search for homes for sale.

At this point I had developed more than 20 web sites, almost all of which were real estate oriented. Like a lot of people I wondered how long this feverish pitch in the real estate market could keep up before it would come tumbling down. After all real estate has always been a long term investment, and after years in real estate sales and investing I wanted to produce a site that would be informative and helpful for consumers everywhere in the U.S.

Housing Predictor is actually the work of a very small group of dedicated hard working professionals, only a staff of seven. Today it has exploded on the internet to become one of the fastest growing sites in an industry proliferated by thousands of new web sites a day.

I started selling real estate after leaving television news back in 1989 in Santa Rosa, California. I liked selling real estate, but the journalist in me drove my desire and I wanted to delve into the internet to provide helpful information people could use in their decision making process.

Real estate clients would ask me about real estate markets all over the country. I made it my business to learn about them and my interest grew from Santa Rosa to a national scale.

I moved to Spokane, Washington in 1993 to sell real estate. As the number of my investor clients grew and as I gained more investment properties all over the country, I had to make it my business to keep my clients informed and up to date on various local real estate markets. It was then when I found out just how difficult it was to assimilate accurate information that was readily available. I thought long and hard on how to go about changing that.

As a journalist in the newspaper and television industries more than 15 years I always worked diligently to get the facts right, and I thought if I could create a website that could forecast the future of housing markets it would be very valuable for consumers. Not that all forecasts are ever always right, no matter what the economists like to tell us. But I thought at least a good educated view of local housing markets could help people make more informed decisions.

I knew it would be a mammoth undertaking to produce housing forecasts for local real estate markets in all 50 states. So in late November, 2004 the development of what would become Housing Predictor got its start.

At first it was a two man operation and months later we would add a staff to work on the development, including real estate analysts and economists. Housing Predictor was quietly being researched and developed for two years before we would officially launch the site.

We intentionally launched Housing Predictor with little fanfare on November 15, 2006 because we knew we had more work to do to strengthen the site. For the next two months we worked diligently to make things right and make sure the forecasts were as accurate as possible on all 250 local housing markets.

The word was getting out about what we were doing and we gained a following on the web at first from places like Craigslist and MySpace. The traffic was increasing daily. People wanted to not only know about their local housing markets but also about housing markets all over the country. After more than five years of booming real estate appreciation there was great interest.

Housing Predictor is taking on its own personality of sorts. The information it provides is not found regularly elsewhere. My own experience as a real estate investor and selling real estate in California, Washington and in Florida, where I make my home is only a small dimension of how this next generation site was built.

The site also includes The Top 25 market forecasts for 2007, a new housing search center and will soon release the Worst 25 projected markets for 2007. Housing Predictor will also be adding interactive features.

Web sites are a lot like children in the way they are born. They are a lot of hard work. They can be painful at times and everyone takes on their own personality. Housing Predictor is growing it?s very own everyday.

Mike Colpitts is the Developer and Editor of Housing Predictor, which provides housing market forecasts in all 50 U.S. states. To find your local housing market forecast visit

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