Toxic Blck Mold


Friday, February 29, 2008

Renovating That Moldy Old Bathroom

However much you may have thought through the options while making that dream home of yours, it seems that there are always improvements that can be made at home. Taking a decision to renovate your apartment is not an easy one since these projects can cause havoc with your daily routine. One such project that can really disrupt your entire household is bathroom remodeling. This is especially so because once the project begins this room will need to be off limits for several days.

Although the bathroom is often the smallest room in your house, it is one of the most important rooms. Many aspects make bathroom renovating a serious project. You can save money as well as avoid undue hassles if a bathroom makeover is handled methodically.

The first thing required to be settled is to prepare a schedule for bathroom use to accommodate family members and plan for guests if any are coming over during the renovation.

To avoid overshooting your budget it is recommended that you finalize the fixtures that you would like to put back again and the ones that you need to replace before actually beginning the process of remodeling. Once you list the fixtures you will realize why bath remodeling often takes more time than anticipated and disrupts budgets. The main fixtures involved in bathroom remodeling include the tub, shower, toilet, sink, cabinets, lighting and flooring.

Storage is another aspect that needs to be kept in mind as certain decorative fixtures, like a pedestal sink, leave no room for storage under them. For a well functioning bathroom it is essential that there be storage space for storing towels, toiletries and cleaning supplies.

While going in for expensive fixtures like whirlpool tubs it will be better if you talk to friends, neighbors and relatives who might have installed these, as they take up a lot of space and are expensive to repair.

Lighting and flooring are two aspects of the bathroom that are often over looked. If you have natural light it will be better to go for lighting that will complement it and still retain privacy. In the absence of natural light, try to create one using the kind of lighting that you prefer. You could chose to have a bold, strong lighting environment or a relaxing, dim environment for your aroma bath.

Easy cleaning should be the foremost consideration when completing the bathroom renovation project. Although they cost more than other surfaces, natural stone or ceramic tiles are the easiest to clean and last a life time. Bathrooms are messy and in turn can mess up the house. Being able to quickly clean up surfaces is a great time saver and can also ensure that you avoid slipping on wet surfaces later.

Discover more articles about home improvements and diy by visiting

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Mold is a fungus growth, which begins with a minute spore. Toxic black molds can be found anywhere a dark and damp environment allows them to grow. Spores can be breathed in, absorbed through the skin or ingested on our food. Young children, senior citizens and anyone with immune deficiencies caused by disease, chemotherapy, etc are particularly vulnerable to grave illness following exposure to microbial contamination.

Laboratory studies in animals and at the cellular level offer supporting data for the direct toxicity of fungal spores and mycotoxins in mammalian lungs (University of Connecticut Health Center Report in 2004). A health study by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health links adult-onset asthma to workplace mold exposure. And in 1997, the Centers for Disease Control announced an apparent link between mold contamination in homes and cases of infant pulmonary hemorrhage.

Other common effects from molds are pneumonitis, upper respiratory problems, sinusitis, dry cough, skin rashes, stomach upset, headaches, disorientation and bloody noses. Severe exposure can lead to internal bleeding, kidney and liver failure and pulmonary emphysema. There are numerous reasons for the rising occurrence of mold and mildew in our homes, one of which is the federal regulations pertaining to energy conservation call for new construction methods and materials, meaning that homes don't "breathe" as freely as before, trapping moisture vapors inside the building. As a result, mold remediation and prevention have become hot topics in both the health and building industries.

What are we supposed to believe and what should our next move be to defend our families, and ourselves with all the media exposure to toxic mold in the last year or so? First, we must take this threat seriously. If you see mold in your home, get it tested as soon as you can. Get your home tested if you have a family member with an unexplained illness, respiratory irritation, rash, etc that seems to get better when they are away from home.

Controlling Mold Growth and Exposure

  • The way to control indoor mold growth is to limit dampness, there is no realistic way to get rid of absolutely all mold and spores from the indoor environment
  • There are air purifiers and cleaners on the market that claim to help lessen quantities of mold spores in the air, do your homework, these might also be of help
  • Reduce indoor humidity to prevent mold growth by: using air-conditioners and de-humidifiers, and using exhaust fans whenever cooking, cleaning and dishwashing
  • Clean and dry any wet or damp building materials and furnishings within 24-48 hours to prevent mold growth
  • Use water and detergent to clean mold off hard surfaces, and dry completely
  • Do not install carpeting where there is a continuous moisture problem
  • Remedy as soon as possible, any moisture or leakage problems in your home
Article By Adam O'Connor, Keep Your Home Free of Mold

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Diseases caused by toxic mold

There are a lot of diseases that are caused by toxic molds and you may not even realize that some of the molds are actually in your house. It has been said that there are over 100,000 species of mold that exists through out the world. They are tiny and thin spores that produce themselves in different locations. The spores spread through the air and the water. Insects can also transport the spores.

Toxic mold can be dangerous and sometimes fatal for those who come in contact with the mold. Mot household molds are in colors like red, green, blue, black, and brown. The only two that are toxic that is found in the household are Stachybotrys and Memnolniella molds. There are found in damp, dark, and wet places in and around the house.

Stachybortrys grow in damp environments and on materials like wallpaper, cardboard, tile, insulation, and wood. Black mold, among the worst, feeds on things that don't have cellulose like stachybotrys. They are poisonous because they produce mycotoxin. When inhaled it is ingested by humans and then will cause many unpleasant symptoms.

You should know that mold affects a lot of people. In fact, sensitive people (those with mold allergies) will get symptoms right away. The nose will become stuffy, eyes will be irritated, and they will begin to wheeze. It will also cause fevers and loss of breath-which may cause death.

If the lungs are obstructed with cancer or a disease, you will find that it will cause an infection to the lungs and may cause death that way. Molds like black mold have been responsible for many fatal conditions like idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage. The victim's are usually infants and those with weak immune systems. The mold will also cause headaches, lung infections, fevers, pains, diarrhea, and rashes. It will block your breathing and cause many internal infections in a human body.

The molds can be found practically anywhere in your home or on your home or near your home. Often they are in the basement, showers, corners, or anywhere water was leaked and a mold has developed. Many people practically have of the homes in the US had some type of mold infection in their home.

To get rid of the mold you may need to use a humidifier in your basement, air condition, add ventilation, tear up carpeting, repaint the walls, clean bathrooms thoroughly, and replace curtains. You may need a professional to come in and clean your home so that you can thoroughly get rid of the spores. You will also want to keep your home clean to prevent the spores from returning.

Lena Hilltorp is a freelance publisher based in Sweden. She publishes articles and reports and provides Diseases caused by toxic mold resources on Mold in walls toxic

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mold Cleaning

Do you have problems breathing and are constantly cleaning mold. You may have a mold problem in you home. Mold Cleaning soluitons are a dime a dozen and I found that when I bought one it would always come back. One product that seemed to keep away the mold is Safe Shield It an all natural mold cleaning product. I have been a consultant in the mold industry for a few years now and mold cleaning was either destroy everything or move out. I an happy to tell every one of a new all natural mold cleaning solution that is a mold blocker and cleaner. How do I know this, because we have tested it with other licensed and certified mold inspectors in Florida. The mold cleaining product takes away soap scum, shower scum, and all other types of dirt that happens in the bathroom.

You may also see health effects that they published on their site that explains symptoms of mold that you may find yourself having. A great product and happy to tell everyone about it, so if you have mold, kill it and then block with safe shield it.

Mold Consultant and owner a environmental firm

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mold And It's Effects

Perhaps you may have found the dreaded mold lurking in your dwelling recently. Perhaps you even had to recondition it up. To be sure, it's ugly, inconvenient, possibly destructive and possibly a hazard to good health.

Unfortunately, mold can form anywhere circumstances exist to foster its advance. It regularly evolves in cool damp places. Usually in locations where temperatures range between 40 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, with a relative humidity level of 70% or higher. Though it is possible for certain molds to grow in lower humidity levels, they are not a common occurrence and rarely a concern over the more common types of mold. Read more about your home and other home care issues at

Typical spaces in a domicile where mold tends to take hold are zones such as bathrooms, basements, ceiling tiles, paneling, refrigerators, air circumstanceers, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, trash cans, heating ducts, windowsills, carpeting and other enclosures where wetness may be captured.

Mold appears in different ways, each with varying levels of risk to health. In low levels mold is pretty much harmless, but in greater levels the person who comes in contact may suffer allergic symptoms from the spores, as well as more harmful effects.

There are two forms of mold called Stachybotrys and Memnoniella which are considered toxic and can have a no-nonsense effect on a persons health. Smaller symptoms of exposure to these toxic molds may include a rash, flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, respiratory difficulties, eye irritations, difficulty breathing, sinus inflammation, headaches, fatigue and sore throat.

More austere symptoms of exposure to toxic mold may include ear inflammation, nose bleeds, bleeding of the lungs, memory loss and arthralgia (joint pain).

Exposure to any type of mold can always have the possibility of bringing on negative health effects, so it is wise to remove mold when it is found and to foster contingencys, which can help minimize the chances of mold appearing again in the future.

First of all, if you find mold in your domicile, purify it right away. For mold advancing on solid material like metal, basic soap and detergent should do the trick. Be sure to dry them immediately afterward. For materials more porous, where mold has sunk in, such as mattresses or other furnishings, the material should be replaced, as it is impossible to remove mold completely from these materials.

To prevent mold from forming in the future, check for any and all sources of wetness. In bathrooms check for leaky faucets or pipes which are no-nonsense culprits for fostering the incidents for mold raiseth. Once you have finished, lower the humidity level of your dwelling to between 30 and 60%. Since most mold advances in circumstances of 70% relative humidity of higher, keeping humidity low in your home will greatly reduce the risk of mold forming again in the future.

The steps set forth above are very urgent to follow, especially for those who may suffer from allergies. An ounce of deterrence now could save you inconvenience, discomfort, as well as funds in the years ahead.

Yvonne Volante, the author, has had extensive experience with mold and writes for, which is the premier mold resource on the internet. You can see all of the articles over at

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bread Mold Science Fair Projects Ideas

If you're looking for an interesting science fair project, then you may want to read more about bread mold science fair projects that you can do.

It helps to first understand a little about mold. Mold is another word for fungi whose bodies gather and congeal together to form cottony vegetative bodies. Not all mold is cottony, however. Types of slimy mold are more like amoeba than their cottony cousins and leave a moister, slicker mass on the molded surface. However when it comes to bread, you will most always see the drier, threadlike mold.

Mold commonly grows on bread faster in warm, dark, moist conditions. However, mold can grow in light, and some molds can even grow on frozen foods. Molds grow in varying conditions, at varying speeds, in every color you can think of.

Not just a disgusting addition to old food, mold can be beneficial in many ways. One of the most common ways mold is used positively is to make antibiotics such as penicillin. In 1928, Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin when he found mold growing on a discarded petri dish. The mold itself was not the miracle.

Fleming discovered that the mold that had grown had killed the Staphylococcus aureus that he'd been growing in that particular petri dish. The rest is history!

Now that you know a little more about bread mold, you can use the ideas below to help you find potential bread mold science fair projects.

Does sodium have an effect on the growth of bread mold?

How and why does mold form on bread?

Is bread mold harmful to the human body if consumed? Why?

What are the optimal conditions for growing bread mold? Why?

Does light have an effect on the growth of bread mold? If so, what kind?

Do certain types of breads mold faster than others?

How to grow bread mold...

Take a cotton swab and collect some dust. Wipe the dust over the bread slices you want to experiment with. Place them in a bag with a few drops of water and seal the bag so the slices don't dry out.

Now you know a little more about bread mold and the types of experiments you can do. You may have an idea of what you would like to try as a project. Simply by asking questions about things that interest you, you can come up with great bread mold science fair projects that can be fun to do!

Doug Nicholson is a nuclear engineering technician, science hobbyist, and amateur inventor. Visit his site for lots more Science Fair Projects ideas and articles.

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Tips in Removing Mold in Your Home

Molds are not only disgusting to look at, but they can also carry a lot of diseases. Exposure to mold can lead to colds, respiratory complications, nasal problems, and sinus congestions. It can also cause sore throats and skin problems. If a family member suffers from asthma, molds can also trigger the attacks. Molds are also known to cause allergies.

Identifying Mold Removing mold can be a tedious tasks and the first step in eliminating mold is to identify if it exists in your household. You would know that your house has mold if you smell a musty odor and see a mass of green or black slimy stuff. Mold is actually fungus that may float in the atmosphere much like pollen. They are usually found in moist and humid areas like the floors of your bathroom and outdoor patios or gardens. If you really want to detect mold in your house you can try reliable sampling. This may be quite expensive since this procedure can require special equipments and needs careful training of staff.

Where Mold Resides Molds can be found in hays, grass, or leaf piles. Molds also grow in most organic resources like wood and paper. If our house has areas that are wet most of the time, chances are, mold will grow there. Walls can be one place where mold breeds. Painted walls that are washed from rain are also one place where mold can live. Molds can easily creep under cabinets and carpet padding. There are also some instances that molds can even penetrate the kitchen of your homes. When this happens, be alarmed. Since the kitchen is one place where you prepare your foods, it can be quite dangerous to cook foods in an environment with mold.

Removing Mold When removing molds, remember that your safety should come first. Always use a respirator or mask to act as an air filter and prevent mold spores from getting into your lungs. Use eye protectors and rubber gloves. After using these types of safety equipment, it is best to dispose them immediately after use.

It is important to dampen or sprinkle some water on materials with mold. This can prevent airborne mold pollens from spreading into the air. You can use non-ammonia detergent or soap to clean hard surfaces. Hard surfaces include plastics, glass and metals. You can also use these in cleaning counter tops, kitchen, or bathroom tiles. It is important to note that you should never mix ammonia with bleach because they may give off fumes that can be toxic and harmful to your body. It is sad to say, though, that it is not possible to remove mold from carpets or paper. Porous materials are usually impossible to clean if they have molds. There is no better way to remove these kind of moldy materials but to throw them away.

In walls or other wood structures, you can remove molds by scrubbing. But do not expect them to be completely gone. You can scrub them or sand them. Make sure that you use protective safety tools when you do this. Clean these stuff in a well-ventilated area, away from other equipments.

Use a commercial disinfectant after you have removed the molds. Bleach and water solution can also be used as disinfectant. The cleaning solution should contain one-fourth bleach for every gallon of water. Apply the solution in the material infected by mold and allow the solution to do its work for fifteen minutes. If there are too much molds in the material, you can use one and a half cup of bleach per one galloon of water. Be sure that you are in a well-ventilated area when cleaning. After several minutes, rinse the area with water and allow the material to dry. You can use fan or dehumidifier if you want them to dry immediately.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about household mold.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mold Health Effects

Black Mold Health Problems in homes have become very common. When mold inspectors go out on inspections it sometimes is to late as they find a home full of mold with dalmation like spots all over the walls. A popular question that will be asked is what are the symptoms and health effects of mold. So briefly I will explain some of the health effects of toxic mold and some prevention methods. You may also find more information on my mold cleaning site.

Mold Health Effects: Itchy Eyes Watery Eyes Headaches Fatugue Excessive Coughing Bleeding in Lungs Irritated Skin

Of course, these are all different depending on individual. Most of the time we have seen that people who have mold in homes have a musty odor and at least one of these symptoms. | Important Note:

If there is one thing that everyone should know about mold is remove as fast as you can, and if you go outside away from the mold to get fresh air your symptoms will descrease. Pro-long exposure can cause very problematic symptoms. So be careful and be sure to educate your self on the mold issues.

Working in the field with other consultants I found many problems that people had pertainnig to mold, now I feel that more should understand the effects mold can have on individuals.

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Toxic Mold Lawyers Will be a Lot Busier Soon Due to Hurricanes in the Gulf and Flooding in the East

About ten thousand toxic mold lawsuits are currently pending in the United States, and the number is likely to grow rapidly in the wake of hurricanes in the US Gulf Coast and torrential rains in the Eastern United States. But homeowners and renters may need a toxic mold lawyer even if their residences haven't been flooded.

Recent studies have found evidence that there is less of a connection between certain health problems and toxic mold than was previously believed. Nonetheless, in the wake of flooding on the US Gulf Coast and in the Eastern United States, the number of toxic mold-related lawsuits is certain to increase.

Toxic mold can grow anywhere in certain conditions.  And if those conditions were created or allowed by a home builder or landlord, home buyers and tenants may have a right to sue and can seek a lawyer who specializes in toxic mold litigation.

How Can You Be Sure You Need a Toxic Mold Lawyer?

First, establish that you have a toxic mold problem.  Be sure you have plenty of facts to back up your claims.

If you want to do an initial mold test of a property at a low cost, consider using a do-it-yourself mold test kit. There are a number of inexpensive commercial mold test kits available.  

Find a Certified Mold Inspector to thoroughly inspect and test the home or building in question.

Hire a Certified Mold Remediator to develop a well-thought out, factually-strong mold remediation protocol plan with a realistic estimated remediation budget for taking care of any mold problems discovered by the Certified Mold Inspector.

After you've done these things, you'll have the facts you need to present to a toxic mold lawyer.

What makes a good "toxic mold lawyer?"

First, look for a lawyer who has experience in toxic mold cases.

Your toxic mold lawyer should already have an established network of inspectors and expert witnesses they can bring to court to testify for you.

How to Help Your Toxic Mold Lawyer Win Your Case

Once you choose a toxic mold lawyer, be prepared when you meet to discuss your toxic mold case for the first time.

  • Explain to the toxic mold lawyer, clearly and simply, what you want to happen as a result of your toxic mold litigation.
  • Have a list of questions ready about your legal rights in a toxic mold lawsuit.
  • If possible, bring a chronological "journal" of facts about your situation: dates when you first started noticing health problems,
    specific symptoms of health problems, dates and times of doctors' appointments and doctors' recommendations, and clues that you had a toxic mold problem like greenish-black growths in basements and bathrooms.
  • Have copies of the tests results and a remediation plan mentioned above available for the toxic mold lawyer to review

Details like these can help your mold lawyer understand your situation and what needs to be done, which in turn will save time for your mold lawyer, and make it easier for your toxic mold lawyer to begin working on your mold case.

Where to Start Looking for a Toxic Mold Lawyer

How to Find a Toxic Mold Lawyer provides a resource website focused on toxic mold informationComputer Technology Articles, including a section on finding a toxic mold lawyer.

George McKenzie is a freelance writer and CEO of Mastermind
Learning Systems He's a
former TV news anchor and radio talk show host.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Controlling Mold with Common Sense and Common Cleanliness

There are over 1000 species of mold that are common in the United States, and most of them can have serious consequences for both your house and your health. The United States Center for Disease Control says that mold spores are a major irritant for children and adults with asthma ? which is growing at an alarming rate around the country. In addition, since mold?s job in nature is to break down organic compounds in the soil, it does the same thing to the wood in your house ? breaks it down. And that?s not even taking into account the ugly stains and musty, moldy odors that it leaves in your house.

There are ways to control mold growth around your home and keep the harmful effects to a minimum. Here are some tips from professionals who deal with mold and disinfectants every day.

? Moisture is a breeding ground for mold. Stop moisture from entering your house by covering dirt floors in cellars and crawlspaces, and use a dehumidifier in damp rooms.
? Vent your clothes dryer and bathroom fans to the outside, not to the attic or between walls to prevent moisture buildup that encourages the growth of mold.
? Scrub mold off hard surfaces with detergent and water, then spray surfaces with a germicidal spray to kill any lingering mold spores. The surfaces should stay wet with the cleaner for at least two minutes, though some cleaners require longer.
? Bathrooms are the biggest breeding grounds for mold and mildew. An exhaust fan can cut down on the moisture in the air that encourages mold to grow.
? Tile grout and shower door tracks are notorious for collecting mold. Spray them daily with a foaming disinfectant cleaner (the foam will cling to walls instead of sliding down the vertical surfaces) and wipe dry.
? Mold on porous surfaces is another problem entirely. In most cases, there?s no help for it. If you find mold on ceiling tiles, wallboards, plaster walls or carpets, you?ll need to replace them.
? Just because you don?t see it, doesn?t mean it?s not there. If there?s a musty, moldy smell but you find no evidence of mold, you may be dealing with a hidden mold problem. Mold can grow on the back of wallpaper, behind wallboards, under carpets and floorboards ? just about anywhere. The EPA recommends that if you suspect a hidden mold problem, you hire a contractor that knows how to deal with mold. Simply stripping off wallpaper that?s covered with mold, for instance, can release millions of mold spores into the air, posing a potential health problem.
? To prevent mold and make cleaning easier, spray the shower fixtures, tub, walls, shower curtains and any other shower surfaces with a preventative shower spray which will help keep mold off surfaces and keep your bathroom smelling sweet and clean. Shower spray can also be used in other high humidity areas with hard surfaces. Prevention is the best way to deal with mold problems.
For keeping your home and your body clean. Visit
Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Best Tips to Make Plaster Molds for Tracks

When you come across animal tracks that are pressed into soft ground clearly and perfectly, you might like to preserve your find. Find out some tips on how to make plaster molds of tracks.

If the ground where you find the track is dry and reasonably solid, you can make a plaster mold of the print. This is how to do it.

1. Carefully clear any foreign matter away from the print in the ground. Then encircle the print with a strip of cardboard and clip or tape the ends of the cardboard wall together.

2. Pour freshly prepared plaster of Paris into the area surrounded by the cardboard walls. It may be difficult to judge the amount you will need, but you will learn with experience.

3. When the plaster has hardened, you can take out the whole piece and clean it off. What you then have is a negative of the print, raised or in relief.and be sure there are no bubbles remaining. When you have poured in enough plaster to cover the negative mold, let it harden a bit. Then make a loop from a piece of string and embed the ends of the string in the side of the plaster, so that the loop remains on the surface. A few knots at the ends of the string will make it more secure in the plaster. Pour a little more plaster into the mold

If you want your cast to be indented, as the track was in the ground, you have one more step; making a positive mold. Brush the surface of the negative mold with soapy water, oil or Vaseline.

4. Once again take a strip of cardboard and make a wall around the negative mold. Then pour liquid plaster into the greased mold. Smooth the surface of the mixture with a small piece of board.

5. When the mixture has hardened, remove the cardboard walls and separate the negative mold from the positive, prying the two casts apart with a table knife. This will be easy if the negative was well greased. Clean the positive well and give it a coat of shellac to help preserve it. If you wish to label the side of the cast, do this before shellacking. Then you can hang the mold by the loop of string.

The Indians and woodsmen of old didn't need watches, compasses and barometers. They could get all the information they wanted from the animals and plants, the wind, the stars and the moon. Who today can interpret these natural signs? A passage in a recent magazine read: Midnight. The tropical heaven arched above in a splendor of shimmering stars. The narrow, barely visible curve of the new moon stood near the zenith. Someone well versed in reading the heavens would have noticed immediately that this was impossible, for the new moon has to stand close to the rim and therefore could never be near the zenith.

Choose a good and sold ground where you find the track before putting the mold.

Mitch Johnson is a regular writer for ,,

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mold Remediation: Saving your House from Mold Menace

How severe is Mold

Mold is a type of fungi that covers a surface in the form of downy or furry coating. Neither plant nor animal, it is part of a group of living organisms that are very common and serve many beneficial purposes. Mold remediation and its importance are more felt than said. Household molds are sign of decay or dampness. They can grow on the walls, floors and ceilings of your home, on furniture and carpets as well as on your personal possessions. Sometimes household molds are referred to as mildew, although the term can also apply to molds found outdoors. Household molds are destructive in character. They originate from a damp place and soon spread to the other areas. The most common item on which molds grow very easily are foods. Foods left open or those not used for some time are sources for molds. Mold spreads by creating reproductive cells called spores which propagate through the air. It can enter your house by attaching to your skin, clothing, shoes, shopping bags and belongings, pets, through open doors, windows and through the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system of your house. Molds grow best in areas of your house that are not properly sunlit or ventilated.

Mold remediation - Your Solution to Mold Problem

Mold remediation involves moisture control program and a variety of mold cleanup methods to protect building materials and furnishings from mold growth. The purpose of mold remediation is to remove the mold to prevent damages of building materials and furnishings as well as human exposure. Clean up mold contamination is as important as killing of molds, because even dead mold is still allergenic, and some dead molds are potentially toxic. If there is too much of moisture in your house coming from a dirt basement or a leaking roof, then your house can be infested with moisture all the year. It requires serious mold remediation to avoid long term and permanent mold problem. If growth of mold is confined to specific part of your house then that part of the house require more sunlight and ventilation. For such problems you need a mold remediation program emphasizing on ventilation. If your home is too air-tight, it will be affected by molds in the warmer months as humidity reaches high levels inside the house and moisture is trapped. In drafty homes mold problems occur more frequently during cold, when warm air escapes from the living area into unconditioned space, and gets condensed. If the house is artificially humidified during the winter it will create favorable conditions for mold. In such cases your house will need yearly mold remediation. If neglected, the temporary mold problem will give rise to serious long term problems.

Selecting the Right Mold Remediation

A wide variety of mold remediation methods are available for mold cleanup and remediation of damages to building materials and furnishings. However, the specific method(s) used will depend on the type of material affected. If disinfectants or biocides are used for killing molds you must ventilate the area to allow fresh air to enter. Biocides are toxic to mold as well as to humans. The use of a biocide, such as chlorine bleach, is not recommended as a routine practice during mold remediation. Fungicides such as hexachlorobenzene, organomercurials, pentachlorophenol, phthalimides, and dithiocarbamates are used for outdoor purposes. Mold remediation using these materials is not recommended for indoor mold killing. You can use many chemicals and other manual mold remediation methods yourself. If you hire a professional agency for mold remediation, and they apply biocides, make sure they are properly licensed. Mold remediation is applied for protecting homes and humans from harmful effects of molds. However, if not handled properly, it may create other problems from the chemicals. Find local, qualified Mold Remediation Job. http://www.water-damage-mold.comFind the best Listing Of Mold Remediation Companies in your Area.
Find local, qualified Mold Remediation Job.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Toyota FJ Cruiser: Breaking the Styling Mold

Toyota's FJ Cruiser has been plucked from the auto history books to provide consumers with a car that is retro in design but thoroughly modern in its off road capabilities.

Toyota's growing popularity hasn't been without controversy. No, the automaker doesn't have much of a quality issue to contend with and, no Toyota isn't likely to begin losing market share anytime soon. Yet, there is one area where the Japanese automaker has a bit of a perception problem and that has to do with styling. Of course Toyota vehicles aren't ugly but there are few models being built today that are truly exciting. All that is now beginning to change as Toyota releases several head turning models including the latest rendition of its popular Camry sedan and one of its newest models, the FJ Cruiser. Keep reading and we'll take a glance at just how Toyota is breaking one mold by breaking new ground.

Maybe it was the success of the Nissan Xterra or perhaps it was the desire to recapture past glory [or something in between] but Toyota's decision to build the FJ Cruiser may not have been an easy one. With a line up filled with various trucks and SUVs, the proposed FJ Cruiser would not only be competing against the Jeeps and Land Rovers of the world, but with some of its own models including the car based Highlander and the versatile, truck based 4Runner. Still, the model was thought to stand a chance for two reasons: the FJ Cruiser is a retro-styled vehicle taking its design cues from the FJ40 of the 1960s/1970s and for its 5 passenger seating capacity: just the right sized vehicle that consumers would want to take off roading.

Yes indeed the FJ Cruiser is one beast with an attitude and an effective competitor in a sea of SUVs. For the money, this is what you get with the standard model:

Land Cruiser style and versatility. As the original Land Cruisers were noted for their off road prowess, the FJ Cruiser matches its heralded relative by climbing over rocks, surging up hills, and navigating sandy terrain with relative ease.

Retro styling. Much like Chrysler, Ford and GM which have each successfully introduced and sold retro styled vehicles, the FJ Cruiser's two tone body, restrained roofline, and painted black bumpers effectively combine the old model with the new.

Safety features everywhere. Available as a 4x2 or 4x4, the FJ Cruiser comes with vehicle stability control and vehicle traction control along with ABS, brake assist, and electronic brake force distribution for added stopping capabilities. Add in optional driver and front passenger seat-mounted side airbags and side curtain airbags for front and rear passengers and the FJ Cruiser has riders thoroughly protected.

Dependable engine/transmission. Not to take too much of a risk with this model, Toyota snagged the same 4.0L engine powering the 4Runner and other Toyota trucks of its size and stuck it under the FJ Cruiser's hood. A five speed automatic or six speed manual transmission helps the off roader triumph as it scales rocks or takes steep hills.

The interior of the FJ Cruiser is anything but austere, but it certainly doesn't rise to the level of the overdone Land Cruiser, not a bad thing though. Power windows and door locks, keyless remote entry, and a six speed CD radio are some of the features found in this model. On the outside, 17 inch steel wheels do their part in helping the vehicle tow as much as 5,000 pounds. Whatever you choose not to tow can be stuck inside or carried on top; with the second seat folded down the FJ Cruiser's ample storage area is tops in its class.

Best of all, the base FJ Cruiser retails for just over $21,000 with 4x4 versions selling for about $2,000 more. One drawback reported by consumers is dealer price gouging: some buyers are claiming that dealers are adding four to five thousand dollars to the sticker price of every FJ Cruiser sold.

Finally, if it is fuel efficiency you are seeking the FJ Cruiser just isn't there. Average fuel economy of 20 mpg is not terrible, but it is not great either. Chances are if you are interested in a vehicle like the FJ Cruiser, then fuel economy will be one of your least concerns at least Toyota hopes so.

Truly it appears that Toyota has gotten the styling side of their house in order with this capable retro 4x4 vehicle as evidenced by strong sales in a vehicle segment that has been hit hard by high gasoline prices. Tornado Fuel Saver to quality, wholesale priced Toyota

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Removing Mold Stains from Your Hardwood Floors

 Wood floors are a glorious addition to your home, as well as extremely practical. They are good in all types of weather and last a very long time, as long as they're taken care of. And that's where things get a bit soggy-literally. Even if you're super careful with your floor, any water or liquid left standing for a long time can cause mold to develop.

This is especially true of plant and flower pots that are kept inside and leak. Now the leak may be quite small so that you don't notice it for months, and then you realize that the floor around the plant is looking a little worse for wear. You lift the plant up and lo and behold, a moldy mess has established itself into the cracks of your beautiful hardwood floor.

Not to worry, however, as there are ways to get rid of the mold, and if it is finished like most floors, the wood itself will remain in tact and unharmed; only the finish will suffer.

The first thing to do is buy a scraper from your local hardware store. Size doesn't really matter, but it should be at least eight inches wide and a few inches high. Pull along the grain of the wood and adjust the pressure just so the edge is scraping the finish. Don't dig in too deep, as you can mar the wood.

Next, purchase a sanding sponge specifically for finish removal (180 grit will work fine too) at your hardware store or shop. Sand, again, along the grain until the mold, or most of it, is gone. If there is still some residue left after all this use a very small amount of diluted Clorox bleach on the area. You have to be careful, though, as too concentrated of a solution can ruin the floor.

After you're done sanding or bleaching, run two hundred grit sand paper lightly over the wood. Re-finish the wood with the same finish, if possible. If not, find the nearest match, but do be careful as matching finishes can be tough. Always test a tiny, hidden, and out of the way spot before you do anything, and that includes using the bleach solution.

Hopefully this clears up your mold problem, but prevention is the best protection. Make sure any flower or plant pots you have in the house are properly potted without the possibility of leaking, and ensure that any pet urine or other water spill is cleaned up as soon as possible. Do this, and your floor will remain beautiful and elegant well into old age.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Working with Different Molds

One veteran staff member of 10 years is blind. She?d made arrangements for her employment interview via telephone so when she arrived on the appointed day with her guide dog she was greeted with quiet expressions of surprise and shock. As director, I secretly prayed that I would have the experience and sensitivity to conduct the interview properly. Let's be truthful, I was thinking how can I get through this interview and let this person down gently? If I couldn't it might be considered big time prejudice my part and I represented a very big company.

She was nervous, of course. I was more nervous. What if I did or said something wrong? So I adopted the attitude of first be a human being. We chatted and got to know a little bit about each other. She told me about her educational background and family. I did the same. I explained our program and what our goals were and asked her if she thought she might be interested in working in such an environment. Of course she did or she wouldn't have been at this interview.

I got bolder. Did she have any previous child care experience? As a matter of fact, yes she did. She'd volunteered at a daycare center while attending college and she'd taken care of her two young nieces. This opened up the entire discussion about exactly what did she do and how did she do it? And how was her guide dog handled in the presence of children? Just how did it work? I needed a crash course in working with the disabled.

In the back of my mind I was thinking that if I hired her and it didn't work out, I might be stuck with an unsuitable employee. Or perhaps worse yet, if I terminated her it might create a public relations problem or even legal problem. I was feeling very uncomfortable. Nevertheless we forged ahead.

So we agreed that she, like every other candidate we interviewed, would be allowed to work one day. At the end of that day we would talk again and see if she wanted to continue. If so, she would work one week. If she still felt she wanted to work at our center at the end of the week she would have the job.

The lead teacher she would be working with was affectionately dubbed Saint Barbara. Barbara was the only teacher I'd ever known who had found an abandoned python on the streets of New York and called the ASPCA to get help for it. I asked Barbara what thoughts she might have about turning this blind candidate into a productive staff member. She had plenty of ideas and most importantly she had an excellent attitude.

She began by taking Gladys on a tour of the room. She started from the left of the entry way and followed the walls all the way around until they had returned to the entry way. She answered all questions and asked Gladys to return the next day dressed to work.

We agreed the best place for the guide dog to stay during the course of the work day was in my office. There it would not take up space in the classroom and it would not be a distraction for the children. On the other hand, when the children were to go outside to play, the guide dog would go with them.

We embarked on an educational program so the children would understand that the guide dog was not an ordinary dog. The guide dog was a special working dog who helped Gladys come to school and go home safely.

School life at the center took on a new dimension as children, staff members, and parents learned to be more thoughtful because of Gladys. She amazed everyone with her abilities and we were totally delighted that we had been brave enough to try.

Then one day, about 9 years later, we received a new department of health inspector. She noticed the guide dog in the office and immediately said it was against the health department rules for this animal to be in a school. It, the highly trained guide dog, had to go.

The inspector and I, along with Gladys discussed the Federal Regulations regarding the Americans' Disability Act which allowed guide dogs to have access to buildings. She wasn't buying it. The guide dog was to be exiled to a building across the street. I had a big problem.

I knew the department of health inspector needed more information. I offered her a copy of the ADA Regulations. She wasn?t interested, but to placate me she said she would ask her supervisor about the dog. In the meantime, she'd upset Gladys considerably and she'd upset the rest of the staff who were very protective of Gladys, the guide dog and their legal rights.

Eventually the inspector came to understand, through her supervisor, that the Federal Law superceded our local law and the guide dog could stay. And I came to understand, once again, that building a daycare program that includes all types of people is very important.

It's easy to have a model program if everyone fits your mold. But life doesn't have one mold. And sometimes there's a lot to be learned from others.

The author is the Executive Director of The Presbyterian Hospital Infant & Child Care Center in New York City.

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Make Your Own Sweets With a Candy Mold!

Candy molds make candy making easy! With only a few basic tools, you can make candy that looks professional and exquisite, as if they came from any of the finest specialty shops.

For chocolate lovers, you can find a chocolate candy mold of practically any design. You can make chocolate hearts, chocolate eggs even chocolate Christmas trees! Holidays and special occasions are only the beginning. Think of the gift baskets you could give to friends! Who wouldnt be pleased to receive a basket of beautiful fine chocolates!

Nothing is more delightful than a clever sucker. All you need is a hard candy mold and a little time in the kitchen, and its easy to make a batch of creative sweets. These are especially popular with the children.

With candy molds, you can make treats for any occasion, at a fraction of the cost of buying them from the store, and have a lot of fun doing it! It's amazing how satisfying it is to see the work of your own hands turn out so beautifully.

Candy molds are great to use when you need to make specially designed treats for a wedding or other special occasion. Chocolate party favors are always a hit, especially if theyre made with a favorite candy mold designed to accentuate your parties theme.

Mike Yeager

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